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Showing posts from March, 2021


Sidney Poitier in his book "the measure of a man" wrote that when you go for a walk with someone, two unspoken things happen.They either match your pace or you match theirs And the question is whose pace have you adjusted to?. There's a common saying that goes-"you hang around the barbers shop, sooner or later you'll get a hair cut". mm! Isn't this true? That you become like the person you hang with?  Rollo May, a great and distinguished psychiatrist as quoted in Earl nightingale's "strangest secret"-wrote a book called "Man’s Search for Himself", and in this book he says: “The opposite of courage in our society today  is not cowardice … it is conformity.” And there you have the reason for so many failures. Conformity — people acting like everyone else, without knowing why or where they are going. It is true isn't it? that people often want to just go with the crowd, to just jump on the bandwagon without thinking their destina...