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Develop These 5 Communication Skills to Succeed at Business

Develop These 5 Communication Skills to Succeed at Business


Be careful with your words and actions.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

"Clarity" is an overused buzzword that typically makes people aim to find purpose and meaning in their lives. It also can be used as a way to get people to clean up their language. Speaking clearly, in written and verbal forms, makes a big difference in your business and environment.

It seems as though everyone clamors for attention all the time. The mere amount of words used on social media platforms every year is staggering, yet are they actually making a difference? Is it bringing positive results for your business?

When it comes to representing yourself as an entrepreneur, it’s important to remember the type of words and phrases you use. This is especially true when seen as a leader or manager in your business. If your words put people down all the time, expect people to shut their eyes and ears to your message. This happens a lot in the corporate world, where managers who have not fully embraced leadership abilities simply talk down to and ignore employees’ concerns.

The same thing is true when you are running your own show. You have to speak clearly and respectfully all the time or you are going to lose clients, employees and business. The language you use is just as important as how you approach goals and problems.

When developing good communication skills, it’s important to remember these five ways that will help you in the long run:

1. Be respectful.

Don’t start writing or talking down to people. It doesn’t matter if they are an employee or client. Treat them in a way that you would want to be treated. Speak respectfully, and use words that actually show you have a semblance of caring about them as human beings. Word gets around, especially in the millisecond-world of social media, if you are always dissing people.

2. Be authentic.

If you believe people cannot see you as other than your real self, then you’re putting out some bad vibes. There’s an old line attributed to President Abraham Lincoln, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” Whether you choose to believe Honest Abe’s wise words or not, they are true. Authenticity is a cornerstone of long-term success.

3. Be thoughtful.

Take a good look at how many entrepreneurs these days believe that being a showoff is actually a good thing. Where did thoughtfulness get lost in handling business and clients? It will make you stand out from the crowd a whole lot more when you are thoughtful than when you're yelling every single day. There are men and women who definitely make bank on their personal style which does include flavorful words. In the long run, though, thoughtfulness actually wins the race. People will remember you not only for your actions but your kind words, too.

4. Be careful.

Remember all of your website and social media platform content? You can litter it with honest, forthright content or wave your arms in the air and yell, “Look at me, look at me.” There have been times where people forget what they are saying and doing. They are not careful with their words. Corporations simply despise anyone who speaks truth to “the machine.” Even those managers need to learn over and over again about being careful with their words and actions. Carelessness does not equal long-term success. This is a valuable lesson for entrepreneurs, young and old alike, to remember.

5. Be compassionate.

Don’t compare the word “compassionate” with “being soft.” It’s not the same. No matter why you started a business, there was something bigger than the dollars involved. It might be a product or service that changes how people go about their daily lives. The power of compassion as an entrepreneur has its winning edges. “Being soft” is a throwaway term used loosely by those who are not in touch with their own hearts. Compassion toward your message, clients and customers makes a large impact. It will make you stand out from the crowd.

Take a step back from the day-to-day grind, and observe the way you use words and phrases with people. It might make all the difference in your world.


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