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Showing posts from September, 2018


When we talk of job security its always long discursion for Nigeria employees, especially those in the media. For the next 2 to 3 weeks I'll be doing a write up on job security in the Nigeria media industry, where I'll discuss based on findings and observations, the job security level of media workers. JOB SECURITY IN NIGERIAN MASS MEDIA INDUSTRY (PART 1). INTRODUCTION. Job security has become an increasingly rare commodity in the global economy that offers no lack of cheap labour alternatives. However, that's no reason to dismiss the importance of job security for your career. Employees who settle into a position are more likely to achieve long-term career goals, better position themselves financially, and gain marketable skills that appeal to future employer, for those who don't, its the opposite of everything. First what is job security? Security in it self generally means protection, freedom from threats or low possibility of damage. Job secu...

Develop These 5 Communication Skills to Succeed at Business

Develop These 5 Communication Skills to Succeed at Business Source: Be careful with your words and actions. Opinions expressed by  Entrepreneur  contributors are their own. "Clarity" is an overused buzzword that typically makes people aim to find purpose and meaning in their lives. It also can be used as a way to get people to clean up their language. Speaking clearly, in written and verbal forms, makes a big difference in your business and environment. It seems as though everyone clamors for attention all the time. The mere amount of words used on social media platforms every year is staggering, yet are they actually making a difference? Is it bringing positive results for your business? When it comes to representing yourself as an entrepreneur, it’s important to remember the type of words and phrases you use. This is especially true when seen as a leader or manager in your business. If your words put people down all the time, expect people to s...