Our list of countries with the lowest average IQ in the world is not meant to offend yet it may cause some debate, as it gives a very good idea of average IQ by race and bifurcating anything by race is such a sensitive issue. I am going to try and approach it with caution though. Another article of ours that ranks the 30 smartest countries with the highest average IQ in the world in 2017 asserts that the most intelligent race in the world is the Mongolian race or the Yellow people. That means Asians if you’re confused, but since Asians include South Asian and Middle Eastern citizens as well none of which were part of that list, I thought I’d be more precise. The average IQ of India itself is 82 which doesn’t put brown people very high up. In fact, if we create the smartest race in the world ranking, Caucasian people would probably follow the Asians, again judging by the article linked above. Even America m...
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