It was a shout of Joy, a child is born. Merrily welcomed into the world by parents and well wishers. Faces beam and glow with smile for the new creation. You'll become great they say You'll become a president You'll become a doctor You'll become a pilot........ You're an arrow in our hands and will contend for us when our enemies strike. You're the leader of tomorrow BUT HEY KID, LISTEN . 20 years down the line you'll still be called the leader of tomorrow. 25 years down the line, you'll still look in awe how the same old faces that beamed with smile at your birth lord over your future. And you may ask. where is the future? When will I become the leader of tomorrow? How long does it take for tomorrow to come? Does it take forever? BUT LISTEN KID Don't let nobody tell you "you're the leader of tomorrow" Look them in the face and say out loud. "I'll lead today, life holds no guarantee". Do what makes sense to you and do...
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